Chettri, Lil Bahadur

Mountains painted with turmeric - New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. - xxi, 123 p.; hb; 18 cm.

Tale of a young Nepali peasant farmer's run of bad luck. Dhan Dhan? Bahadur Basnet, 25, strives to support himself; his wife, Maina; a small son; and his teenage sister, Jhumavati, and buys a buffalo on interest from a moneylender to help plant his family plot. But the buffalo's calf dies, then the buffalo rampages a neighboring field, leaving Dhan? responsible for damages. To pay off the debt, Dhan? agrees to work another farmer's fields and offers his home and land as security.


Nepali Fiction
Social Acceptance
World Contemporary Fiction

891.4953 / CHE