Kalidas' meghadutam = कालिदास मेघदूतम्

Dwivedi, Kamalesh

Kalidas' meghadutam = कालिदास मेघदूतम् - Jaipur: NRI Sanskrit Classics Publishing, 2008. - 125 p. : ill. ; hb, 28 cm.

Meghadutam, a composition of one hundred twenty poems, was written by Kalidas, an Indian poet and playwright, some time during 500 BC and 500 AD when the Sanskrit language was at its peak. The romantic rainy season is around the corner and Yaksha, who had been living far away from his wife, looks at the clouds in the sky and pleads with them to carry his message of love to his wife.Hence the name of this book, Meghadutam- megha means the cloud and dutam means a messenger in Sanskrit- the cloud as the messenger.


Kalidas Poems
Hindi Poetry
Sanskrit Translated poem

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